Info - Kirin Cresteds

Info about the breed

"Curious Chinese Crested Puppy"

Chinese Cresteds are a toy breed, but do not let the “toy” name fool you. These delightful little creatures are full of character. They are active, curious, funny, and smart. Not only can you find them in the conformation (dog show) rings, but also in agility, obedience, and barn hunting. My one girl loves lure coursing. They are often little clowns and love being around family. A cresteds favorite pastime is usually cuddling up on someones lap.

They come in several different coat styles. There is the powderpuff, which has a full double coat of hair, and the hairless. The hairless also has varying degrees from Thl (true hairless) to Hhl (hairy hairless). All types can be found in the same litter.

For the hairless dogs you must make note to protect their skin from the elements. If it is sunny, they can sunburn. I prefer using suits made from UV protective material, since some sunscreen is toxic for them and can clog their pores. If it is cold a sweater may be needed. Some cresteds may also need lotion to keep their skin from drying out. Please be careful when choosing lotions and sweaters. Some cresteds are allergic to lanolin and wool.

Here are some links to information about the breed and breed standards * * *

Grooming your Crested

"Chinese Crested Grooming Side Profile"

When you get you puppy you may need to tape their ears. This is done so the ears will be trained to stand strong on their own. Sometimes when they are teething you may need to tape the ears again for awhile.

I bathe my cresteds once a week. I use Earthbath Oatmeal and Aloe Shampoo and then their conditioner on their furnishings and crest. For my hairless dogs I use Famous Skin Care for Dog to keep them blemish free. I use Famous Acne Soap on my hairless’ skin and follow it up with the Famous Acne Lotion after towel drying to which seems to keep them moisturized, so I do not need to add additional lotions. I also spray their bodies down half way through the week with Famous Acne Spray and wipe it down with cotton pads as a sort of mid week mini bath. I use these acne products regularly as a preventative, even if my crested does not have any. Having clean blankets and clothes will also keep breakouts down.

For shaving their hair I use a Bravmini+ on their bodies, to shave their faces, and clean up their paw pads. For their bodies you may also use a shaving razor. For close places near the eyes you may also want to try a personal facial groomer. They are often quiet and not as scary to pups and newcomers to grooming faces.

For grooming lines I go straight down from the back of the eye, then shave down the sides of the neck. From there you you taper off til you meet at the shoulder blades. All hair on their sides should be gone until you reach the furnishing on the legs and tail. Some people prefer to shave the cheeks completely to the neckline. It is up you your personal prefrance.